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National University of Singapore
- Ph.D. in Computer Science, Aug. 2023~
- Coursework & research foci: generative modeling, decision-making.
- NUS Research Scholarship
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
- B.Eng. in Automation, Sep. 2017 ~ Jun. 2021
- CGPA: 3.8/4.0 , 90.1/100 ; Final-year: 93.1/100
- Outstanding Bachelor’s Thesis (Top 2%)
- Undergraduate Academic Merit Scholarship
- Coursework: a detailed list here
Guangdong Experimental High School
- General High School Diploma, science stream, Sep. 2014 ~ Jun. 2017
- Graduate Researcher, Ling’s Group @ National University of Singapore, Jul. 2024 ~
- Graduate Researcher, Collaborative, Learning, and Adaptive Robots (CLeAR) Lab @ NUS, Aug. 2023 ~ May 2024
- Research Assistant, Robotics Perception & Intelligence Lab @ Southern University of Science and Technology, Aug. 2021 ~ Jul. 2022
- Undergraduate Research Assistant, MAS Lab @ Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, Oct. 2019 ~ Jun. 2021
- Software Development Intern @ PengBo Technology (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., Mar. 2021 ~ May 2021
- High School Intern, Robotics Laboratory (now Robotics, Automation, PerceptIon and Decision (RAPID) Laboratory) @ Sun Yat-sen University, Nov. 2015 ~ May 2016
* indicates equal contribution.
Z. Feng, H. Luan, K. Y. Ma and H. Soh, "Diffusion meets options: Hierarchical generative skill composition for temporally-extended tasks," 2025 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Atlanta, GA, USA, May 19-23, 2025.
Z. Feng*, H. Luan*, P. Goyal and H. Soh, "LTLDoG: Satisfying temporally-extended symbolic constraints for safe diffusion-based planning," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 8571-8578, 2024, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2024.3443501.
B. Xia*, H. Luan*, Z. Zhao*, X. Gao, P. Xie, A. Xiao, J. Wang, M. Q.-H. Meng, "Collaborative trolley transportation system with autonomous nonholonomic robots," 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Detroit, MI, USA, 2023, pp. 8046-8053.
X. Gao, H. Luan, B. Xia, Z. Zhao, J. Wang, M. Q.-H. Meng, "A divide-and-conquer control strategy with decentralized control barrier function for luggage trolley transportation by collaborative robots," Robotica, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 3333–3348, 2023. doi:10.1017/S0263574723001005
H. Luan, J. Mei, A.-G. Wu, and G. Ma. "Distributed constrained consensus of multi-agent systems with uncertainties and disturbances under switching directed graphs," IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 161-172, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TCNS.2023.3272848.
A. Xiao*, H. Luan*, Z. Zhao*, Y. Hong, J. Zhao, W. Chen, J. Wang, M. Q.-H. Meng, "Robotic autonomous trolley collection with progressive perception and nonlinear model predictive control," 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Philadelphia, PA, USA, May 23-27, 2022, pp. 4480-4486.
Selected Awards, Honors & Fellowships
- NUS Research Scholarship, 2023~
- Outstanding Bachelor’s Thesis (top 2%), 2021
- Undergraduate Academic Merit Scholarship, 2018 ~ 2020
- MCM Honorable Mention, 2020
Selected Academic Activities
Conference Reviewing
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’22, ‘23)
- IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’22)
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO’20/21)
Journal Reviewing
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
- IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE)
Selected Projects
Details are provided in the Projects page. (Team members are listed alphabetically by surnames.)
- Collaborative Trolley Transportation
- Robotic Autonomous Trolley Collection at Airports
- Distributed Consensus of Constrained MAS under Directed Graphs
Computer Literacy
- Programming: C/C++, Julia, Pascal, Python
- Tools: Git, $\LaTeX$, Markdown, MATLAB/Simulink, Wolfram Mathematica, ROS, VIM
- Athletics: Centre Back(CB)/Fullback(LB/RB), HITSZ Student Soccer Team, 2017 ~ 2021
- Volunteer services
Selected Relevant Coursework
- Automatic Control Theory I, II
- Classical control: transfer function, (asymptotic) stability, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Nyquist criterion, root locus method, frequency correction, pole placement, etc.
- Modern control: state-space model, controllability & observability, canonical decomposition, state/output feedback, Lyapunov’s methods, etc.
- Automatic Control Practice I, II
- Controller design: input analysis, sensitivity, anti-windup design, servo systems, regulating systems, multi-loop systems, etc.
- Process Control System
- Nonlinear and Adaptive Control † (graduate level)
- †Audited: lectures, assignments, discussions.
- Introduction to Robotics
- Rigid body motion: rotational motion, rigid motion, velocity of rigid bodies, wrenches & reciprocal screws
- Kinematics: forward kinematics (product of exponentials, twists), inverse kinematics (P-K subproblems), manipulator Jocobians
- Dynamics & control: Lagrange’s equations, open-chain manipulators’ dynamics, Lyapunov theory, position control & trajectory tracking
- Digital Image Processing
- Enhancement & Restoration: point processing, filtering in spatial and frequency domain, noise models, etc.
- Morphological: erosion & dilation, opening & closing, other basic algorithms
- Image segmentation: line & edge detection (Canny, Hough), thresholding, color models, smoothing & sharpening, color segmentation
- Representation & description: chain codes, signatures, skeletons, descriptors
- Object recognition: classifiers, cluster analysis, etc.
- Design and Practice of Robotic System
- Theoretical Mechanics
- Mathematical Analysis III
- Advanced Mathematics (Calculus) I, II
- Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
- Functions of Complex Variables and Integral Transforms
- Mathematical Programming (Optimization Fundamentals, Operations Research)
- Linear programming, integer programming: simplex, the two-phase method, duality, etc.
- Unconstrained nonlinear optimization: convexity, gradient descend, conjugate gradient descend (PRP, FR, DM), Newton (QP), DFP
- Constrained nonlinear optimization: K-T conditions, SUMT, multiplier method (Hestens, Powell)
- Multi-objective optimization: goal programming
- Dynamic programming
Computer Science
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Data Structure and Algorithm
- Advanced Computer Language Programming
- C Programming Language
- Electric Circuit I, II
- Fundamentals of Analog Electronics
- Digital Electronic Technology Foundation
- Signal Analysis and Processing (Signal and System)
- System Modeling and Simulation
- Fundamentals of Machine Design
- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Technology and Application of Big Data