Robotic Autonomous Trolley Collection


(Trolley collection robots working at an airport[1]. )


Our contributions are four-fold. Concretely, we

  1. develop a novel robotic autonomous trolley collection system integrating a mechanical system and an efficient autonomy framework;
  2. propose a progressive perception strategy involving long-distance keypoints-based monocular 3D detection and short-distance accurate pose estimation using LiDARs;
  3. present a safety-critical motion planner formulation under an NMPC framework with CBFs considering obstacle avoidance and observation constraints;
  4. demonstrate the system in complex and dynamic environments detecting target trolleys and safely collecting the trolleys.


(YouTube link here)

(bilibili link here for friends inside the GFW)

Future Work

* indicates co-first authors.


[1] C. Wang et al., “Coarse-to-Fine Visual Object Catching Strategy Applied in Autonomous Airport Baggage Trolley Collection,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 11844-11857, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3022459.